Click on the link and follow the steps

Enter mobile number
Enter name and email id
Install Fitbit app for step tracking, even without a Fitbit watch. It counts steps if your phone is with you while walking.
Sync your Fitbit app with your phone when it's on.
In fitistan app click on Fitbit icon
Login with same email id which is used in Fitbit app
App will start showing steps
Kindly note -
1. We have a leaderboard to keep you motivated and excited. As soon as you refresh the app , your steps will be updated on the leaderboard.
2. Please tag @thefitistan and use the hashtag #narishakti when you post on your social media. We shall reshare.
How will I get the certificate?
Once you complete a minimum 2,10,000 steps over 21 days, you will receive a certificate of your contribution of Nari Shakti Challenge through an email.
Why should I participate?
Health is the real wealth!
This is your chance for staying committed to your health for 21 days and inspiring the woman ( mom, wife, daughter, lover, sister, friend , boss, etc) you look up to the most in this journey towards your health and ultimate wealth. Tag 3 people on social media about your participation and transform their health.
Install the Fitistan App from Google Play Store to participate in Events and Challenges

If you have any queries -
For all Timing & result related queries,pls send email to buddy@runbuddies.club
For Podium Finishers/Winners,Pls share your Date of birth certificate and Pan Card at kajal@fitistan.com
Dear Participants
GAIL Soldierathon Vijay Run 2023 photographs are live.
Follow the followin steps
1. Click on the link - https://eventforce.ai/login?event_name=cme-soldierathon-vijay-run-2023&campaign_name=cme-soldierathon-vijay-run-2023_1702643951
2. Enter your BIB# and press the Next button.
3. For unidentified images, upload your selfie/image or skip and continue.
4. Your images will now appear; select your images and click the download images button.
5. After completing the Google login, the selected images will be downloaded to your device.
For any technical clarifications please reach out to us at support@veloscope.in
For Sponsorships and Bulk Bookings, pls contact us on 97697 12367
Everybody wants to be at their best health - disease free, fit & happy. Everyone also knows what needs to be done generally which is to eat right, sleep tight, workout everyday, and stay away from junk and addictions. But most people find it very difficult to stay consistent & motivated. Fitistan came into existence exactly to bridge that gap between the desire and the reality of staying fit. We researched and realized that people are driven by communities and challenges. We make simple content that can raise the knowledge and curate fun challenges so that everyone has something to look forward to.